What advantage do farmhouses have in hosting remote workers with Borgo Office?
Borgo Office offers several advantages to the farmhouses that take part to the network:
1 - It is entirely populated by medium to high-end professionals (freelancers, executives, entrepreneurs ...), the ideal target for welcoming remote working tourists.
2 - It allows to fill in hitherto underused "slots": weekdays and low season.
3 - Through the "support packages" formula, it allows farmhouses to promote their food and wine excellences, also for future repurchases of the guest himself or his family, friends and acquaintances due to "word of mouth".
Are there commercial solutions to increase the sale of support packages?
Yes, there is a B2B business unit addressed to companies that sells “multi-vouchers” of 10, 20 and 50 packages. For more information, drop a line to and we'll get in touch with you.
Once a "support package" has been selected, are remote workers obliged to make the purchase?
No, the selection of a "support package" in the "accommodation package" availability request stage is not definitive. The purchase is finalized when the actual booking takes place, once the dates are agreed between remote workers and the farmhouse. If, for various reasons, the parties do not agree, remote workers can obviously decline the "support package" purchase.