
If even before the pandemic the idea of ​​fleeing the city to move to a more peaceful environment teased many "metropolitan discontents", today (66% according to an Airbnb survey in October 2020) this trend has become very pronounced. And, in this new scenario, the call of rural villages has become as strong as ever: the combination of “remote working & fine living” has made them come back in fashion, especially the Italian "borghi", famous in the world for their beauty.

It is the evolution of the "bleasure" concept: in the past, the business trip was extended with a few days of vacation, now you travel with your computer. 78% have already decided they will combine the two.

Hence the challenge of Borgo Office: select, through a careful screening, fascinating farmhouses in these villages that are available to host digital nomads wishing to work remotely away from the cities. In exchange, the latter support the host farmhouse through the purchase of a "support package", which can be selected from different sizes, thus generating a “win-win-win” model between the 3 parties involved:

  1. digital nomads (eager to work remotely in a beautiful place in the nature)
  2. farmhouse (which is economically supported in the face of simple hospitality)
  3. borgo where the farmhouse is located (which exploits a virtuous remote working tourism)


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